Friday, February 24, 2012

Intramuscular injections were more effective.

parts of the immune system

Known that after menopause women are at high risk of osteoporosis. Women are four times more likely to develop brittle bones than men. However, osteoporosis is not just "women's disease. Osteoporosis in lasix 14 mg men more often than many of them believe. Two million Americans have osteoporosis, and 12000000 are at risk for its development. Some studies show that 8% of men will develop disease while others have reported that 13-25% of men will be diagnosed during their lives. What is osteoporosis and osteopenia? By definition, you have 

osteoporosis if you have a bone mineral density, which is 2. 5 standard deviations below the required value of thirty men. It is often tested by machine DXA (dual X-ray densitometry). If you had this test done, you will have results that are above 0 standard deviation (ie, your bones are more dense than expected) or below 0 standard deviation (ie, your bones are less dense than expected).   

Osteopenia a precursor to osteoporosis and are usually treated with lifestyle changes rather than medication. It is determined by the negative results of densitometry, which is less than a full-fledged osteoporosis. What is the cause of osteoporosis in men? Causes of osteoporosis in men is very similar to the causes of women, including lower levels of estrogen. Estrogen receptors on the surface of living bone cells and is responsible for the absorption of the damaged bone and creation of strong bones. If estrogen was to stimulate new growth and softened bones become brittle. Estrogen decreases in women as they age, leading to menopause and the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, estrogen values ​​fall in men as they age - they are at risk for osteoporosis as well. Scientists have also shown that low testosterone levels lead to bone loss, although the mechanism is not well understood. Unlike estrogen, testosterone stimulates only the outer bark of bone growth and plays a factor in the matrix, or kernel, bones become stronger. If a person really is diagnosing osteopenia or osteoporosis, it is easy to correct the imbalance of testosterone. However, it is important to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Studies have shown that testosterone delivery is an important factor in bone health. Testosterone patches were unsuccessful in a significant increase in bone mass. Intramuscular injections were more effective. In the treatment of prostate cancer often reduces testosterone levels in men with prostate cancer should be aware that their treatment may increase the risk of developing osteopenia. Men treated for prostate cancer should be carefully examined for the development of osteopenia or osteoporosis. .

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